Excuse Me, I’m Sorry- the journey continues!

A workshop - A community - A movement

I hope you all had the chance to see the second round of The I’m Sorry Monologues, now called Excuse Me, I’m Sorry, that took place in NYC and on livestream. It was as powerful as the first round and just as life-changing for all involved.

The name may have changed but the goal remains the same- to take back our apologies. The deep conditioning that women experience from the time of birth is nothing less than extreme. Who to be, how to be, and how to do it is deep within the fibers of who we become.

But who are YOU underneath it all? Do you even remember?

When you start to deconstruct that and realize why we show up apologizing for ourselves at every turn we realize that you that lies beneath. The one with dreams, opinions, desires, and a voice of one’s own that has long been oppressed. To say that this workshop and the community are deeply needed right now is an understatement. Women are in desperate need of a safe community to express, rage out, cry, heal, be heard, and learn how to funnel all of that into WORDS. Powerful, unfiltered, beautiful words- not apologies. By putting those apologies on paper YOU get to rewrite whatever version of your story you’d like. As of late, it’s become abundantly clear where we stand regarding our lives, our value, and who we should be. It’s frightening, maddening, depressing, rage-inducing, debilitating, and very real. You NEED to get that out of your heart, your mind, and most of all, your body.

The deep impact these workshops have had on the women who have taken them is nothing less than profound. It’s become a sort of witnessing for one another on the road to healing so much of what keeps us stuck, hidden under shame and fear. It’s also led so many to the love and power of writing! Many have gone on to start screenplays, books, and memoirs. Having a space to be heard, understood and SEEN is a simple act that I’ve witnessed to transform someone’s insecurities into their superpower.

Whether you want to take the workshop in hopes of being chosen to perform your piece on stage, be part of the amazing community, or just to take a deep dive into yourself and start writing- whatever the reason I can almost guarantee you’ll leave feeling freer, be writing more and have a new community of likeminded women to call friends.

Class 1

We will get to know one another and talk about the mission of the class. We will do some relaxation and some sense memory exercises to help bring out one particular story of  “I’m sorry.” You will then go home and write your monologue 

Class 2

We will read aloud your now written pieces. We will then do a relaxation, another sense memory exercise, and then get back into your monologue. Notes will be given to refine the piece at home. 

Class 3

More of the same.

By joining the class you will be added to the private supportive Facebook ARAP (A Rebellious Act Project) community and also be invited to take part in my upcoming retreats!! Retreats are only open to only ARAP students. The first retreat is this January in Paris!! Read about it here!

This class with be with just Jennifer, but Alicia will be having an LA in-person workshop soon!

For all women 18+



Classes will be around 3 hrs depending on class size.

No refunds.

Please note: This can be a very personal, moving class. We honor this safe space to stay that way for all. Respect for everyone is a must. Meaning there is no sharing of what happens in the class with others or on any social channels. We don’t offer anyone advice they didn’t ask for. We also require everyone to be mindful of time and come when class starts. 
*We also ask that if you cannot be in a quiet space and be completely uninterrupted the entire class that you do not join that class. Out of respect for the entire group. It can be very distracting to when someone is moving around or not in a calm environment for the entirety of the class. 

Class Reviews

  • “I think what you two are doing is really amazing, and it's really needed.  Art is often one of the first things to go when a society becomes more restrictive, and at a time where freedom of expression and freedom to be who you are is being severely limited, what you're doing is all the much more important.  “


  •  "I feel I am watching an evolution of myself I wasn't sure was possible.  This class has stripped away the noise-showing me who I always have been.. bringing me into the light that has been waiting for me...for a very long f@#ing time"


  • When I first heard about the I’m Sorry monologue class I will say I was nervous. But after taking classes with Jennifer for the last few months I knew she wouldn’t let me down. As women, it is so important to have a safe space where we can be vulnerable without judgment or fear. Working with her and Alicia while also seeing these complete strangers be so open just proves how much we need each other. I am so grateful and humbled I got to listen to these women’s stories. We have a lot to say. If you’re skeptical of taking something so foreign don’t be. It’s an incredible group that just supports one another. Isn’t that all we need? And as Nora Ephron says, “Above all be the heroine of your life, not the victim.”


  • "The title of the class made me stop and take a look.  I wasn't sure what to expect. I had the best time. I laughed til I cried. It was a few hours of vacation and connection."


  • “I thought I was taking an acting class, but it really turned into a self-discovery journey that I didn’t know I needed to go on until now. I've always been someone who was very good at putting on a brave face and pretending like everything was fine, and doing the I’m Sorry Monologues class has really helped me channel my feelings and have major breakthroughs in my life. Taking this class with these other women was great for my own self-care and healing process and the safe space that is created in the I’m Sorry Monologues class is inspiring. It's amazing to see so many women truly supporting each other, and it's even more amazing to be a part of it.”


  • “One of the most real, raw and powerful groups of women I have ever been a part of. Jennifer and Alicia provided the creative guidance and the safe space needed for each of us to share some of our most closely held stories. I hope every woman takes this chance to release their I'm Sorry's. A truly transformative experience that I will never forget.”
