ARAP Classes


    As humans, we don’t always say exactly what we mean. The past, the present, our fears, future hopes, and dreams long gone by, all dictate how we show up in the world. It dictates what we say and what we do not. The same holds true for your characters. Whether you’re writing them, directing them, or bringing them to life through acting. It’s the beauty and the complexity of being human that lies within the words, called the subtext.


    For Actors.

    “The Act of BE-ing has nothing to do with experience, it was about vulnerability and the willingness to just BE! BE-ing is what acting is all about and it's is what Jennifer is about!”- James, Student


    For all women. 18 & up

    Our highly beloved I’m Sorry Monologue workshop which is what ended up bringing down the house at the famous La Mama theater in Dec is BACK!

    Come join the movement !!

  • FRESH Take

    What do YOU bring to the work? The singular most important thing I could tell you about your work as an artist is to be AUTHENTICALLY YOU.

  • SEENStudy

    Workshop for Women 35+ For actors & any women looking to release old patterns/beliefs among others on that same journey.

    “Jennifer immediately makes you feel safe in the space she’s created. The more vulnerable you’re willing to be, the more you’ll get out of these classes and exercises. I’m not an actor, but I was interested in taking a creative class. The meditations and exercises Jennifer utilizes were inspiring and therapeutic.” - Sarah, Student



    In this class, you will be pushed out of your comfort zone and into a place of full creativity. By writing, and directing a piece YOU created you get to see a character through different lenses. Also by acting out a piece that your classmate has written, it helps you understand more deeply about where the writer and director are coming from. Even if you just want to act this will help you better understand all sides of text and character same goes for writing and directing.



  • Jennifer is so nice and made me feel very comfortable and welcome. I like how passionate Jennifer is about acting. She is a really good teacher and explains things in a way that I could understand. When I am acting, it has helped me get more into the space where it is just me and the character and nothing else is around me, so I am really in the scene. Some other favorite parts were learning about the meditations, and the improv at the end. I am so happy to have these skills to use."

    Clarie- PLAYStudy

  • In my very first The Art of BE-ing class, Jennifer said, “To find the honesty in a scene, just be yourself.” After she said it, I looked around to see the reactions on my classmates' faces and saw everything from trepidation to excitement. I did not know the level of anyone’s experience, but I would soon discover, it didn’t matter…The Act of BE-ing had nothing to do with experience, it was about vulnerability and the willingness to just BE! I've taken many acting classes and the concept of being vulnerable always came with a certain level of judgement… From the teacher. From other students... And sometimes from myself. Here, I can honestly say that judgement never entered my mind, on any level… BE-ing is what acting is all about and it's is what Jennifer is about! Whether you are a beginner or an old pro, yearning for a new process or just wanting to have a fun place to work some magic… I encourage you to join our community of Be-ings, as we break down barriers and build a new creative community.

    James- the act of BE-ing

  • Jennifer immediately makes you feel safe in the space she’s created. The more vulnerable you’re willing to be, the more you’ll get out of these classes and exercises. I’m not an actor, but I was interested in taking a creative class. The meditations and exercises Jennifer utilizes were inspiring and therapeutic. It had me thinking of things that I hadn’t thought about and had buried for years! It was powerful and moving! She’s an AMAZING teacher and mentor. She nurtures each relationship with her students. By the end of the class you can see the fruits of her labor (and yours) with your progress! Don’t hesitate on taking this class! You’ll make connections with amazing women and feel empowered by the community and sisterhood you’ve joined.

    Sarah- SEENStudy

  • Being with Jennifer and the other members of the class helps me break down some of the walls I didn't know existed. Jennifer guides us thru different exercises and the outcome is soooo rewarding. Being is this class is one of the best moves I've made. Thank you with all my heart.

    Annie- the act of BE-ing

  • I am raw to say the least. Your class is oxygen. It is reminding me of who the f*** I am.

    SEENStudy student

  • Your course provided a trove of knowledge on looking inward and sharing the most interesting, which are often the most vulnerable, parts of ourselves. I was searching for something new and uncomfortable to get me out of my humdrum comfort zone and I'm so grateful I found it here in a space where everyone felt safe enough to let their guards down together (even if it took me a bit longer to get there lol). One of my favorite things I realized from this class is how often we limit ourselves by only allowing us to operate at one frequency at a time when, in reality, EVERYTHING is happening ALL THE TIME.

    Sola- the act of BE-ing

Please Note-No Refunds or Make-up Classes

As with other proceeds that have come from the merch on this site, proceeds go towards developing, supporting, and creating content that values ALL VOICES and STORIES.