*This is an ongoing class- If you’ve taken this class prior you can take again, we’ll be working on all new exercises.
Being seen, is so very vital to all humans. Especially artists. It’s that desire to connect through art to the human experience that we so crave. As women we are SEEN from a very early age through our physical attributes. We are judged, ranked, and squashed down into a carbon cut out of what society says we SHOULD be-Pretty, cute, sexy, soft spoken, polite, sweet, sugar and spice and - you know the rest. As we age and become wise to the programming we were conditioned with from the time of birth we start to unravel it and finally begin to see who WE truly are. It’s no coincidence at that same time we are finally willing to accept ourselves the world seems to have forgotten us.
Age has become an ugly word for women in this country. With a billion dollar anti-aging industry blasted in your face everyday, you realize just how unSEEN you are without youth. I know this not only as a woman, but as an actor. With over 25 years of being a working, award winning actor, to one day realizing you’ve “aged out”. I’ve seen this with my actress friends as well. Actresses that unknowingly relied too heavily on the acceptance of being an actor for their self worth and now discarded so carelessly, is so deeply painful to watch. Yet a man of the same age is coming into his own and thriving.
Unfair? Yes. But now what? I’m not one to ever give up or give in - but rather change the game. We need now more than ever the power of community of like-minded individuals. To embrace one another right where we are and say I SEE YOU, even if the world tries to make you invisible. Not in a fake “women helping women” tag-line sort of way. In a honest, raw, human way. To get there we first must truly see ourselves and accept All that is then allow ourselves to be okay to STILL take up space.
This class is for all women over 35 -actors and non actors alike. I will be using mediation and acting exercises I’ve used throughout my career to help uncover blocks that may be holding you back from living a more SEEN life you so rightfully deserve. We will be using the words of already written monologues to express feelings we may not know how to explore. I’ve always loved acting for this very reason- it’s simply the study of being human. And there is not a more powerful human than a women of a certain age who knows exactly who she is and makes zero apologies for it. Come explore yourself, make friends, express, grow, and feel SEEN with me in this online zoom class.
Workshop for Women 35+
For actors & any women looking to release old patterns/beliefs among others on that same journey.
Please note- This can be a very emotional class and you must come with an open mind and heart. Creating a safe space for each of us is extremely important to me. Everyone MUST attend the first workshop session or you would forfeit your spot. This is because it’s a safe space and trust is built from the first day.