What’s your story?
What is YOUR story? Do you even know?
What’s that thing that keeps you awake at night? That thing that is in every decision, questions, the undercurrent of who you are. Maybe you don’t even know.
Why is this important?
First off, as a human, understanding what that deep desire or fear is vital in understanding why you do the things you do and show up in the world the way you do. Left unchecked you may feel thrown around endlessly not knowing why. If you’re writer, writing a screenplay, a short film, a novel, short stories, a memoir, a poem you need to know WHY you are writing the piece and WHY you are the best person to do so. It’s your unique perspective that only you can bring to that piece of work. Understanding what you’re truly trying to express is the heart of any piece. It’s the driving force behind every last word and will be your guiding light pulsing through every inch of the story.
If you’re an actor and want to not only understand yourself a bit better but also begin to look at scripts more deeply- this is great place to start.
My film, Fresh Kills, took me many many years to finally get on the page. The reasons for that are many. However, the essence of the film has never changed. On the surface Fresh Kills looks like a mafia story but it’s far from that. It’s really about being trapped in a world you didn’t choose and are supposed to obey. It’s about breaking free, finding your own voice, and escaping. I cannot tell you how freeing it feels to write this story. I’ll add that I could NOT have written this script with such depth years ago. Yes, the escape factor was always there but I had to really tap into how deeply I felt trapped. Maturity also played a big part in getting out of my own way and feeling safe enough to admit what I was truly writing. It’s so essential to understand WHY you are writing the piece. It makes the sometimes tough process so much more enjoyable and freeing.
Come and join me for this deep dive writing class to see where and what your heart is TRULY trying to express.
Through meditations, writing prompts, journaling, sharing your work aloud, and giving/getting feedback you’ll leave with a better sense of not only your writing ability but the subtext of what you are REALLY trying to express. Subtext- there’s that word subtext again (I say this in every class) when you find what truly lies underneath the words- whether as an actor, writer, or just a human- you’ll go deeper on all levels. It’s in the subtext that tells the truth of what the heart is really trying to convey.
Ages- 18+
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