Why not make this the year you stop waiting? Waiting for that call to come in that will change it all. That call that tells you you’ve been finally picked! For that dream job that changes your entire career and life! Yes, there are those extremely rare stories where this happens. However, the majority of artists wait and wait and wait, and then wait some more, for that opportunity that never quite come, for someone to see your talent, passion, and all you have to offer. I was one of those people. Yes, I’ve worked a lot in my career, but I can count the number of times I’ve been creatively fulfilled on one hand.
The powerlessness and eventually depression from realizing you don’t have any control over your own creativity and even your life becomes debilitating over time. The years I wasted waiting, hoping, demanding, begging for a break, a chance, “better” work/material, etc etc was far too long. This is why I finally wrote/directed/produced and acted in my own film- the absolute highlight of my career and my life. Why? Because I wasn’t waiting for anyone to SEE me- I saw MYSELF! I’m here to tell you and hopefully inspire you to do the same. Creating your own work is the only way to keep your creativity alive, and your sanity intact, in a very brutal business filled with consistent relentless rejection is to create your own work!
Which is why I created, WRITE ACT DIRECT.
I want to give you a small taste of what fully using your entire creative brain feels like in hopes this sparks that power inside you to take a leap and start creating for YOURSELF!
In this class, you will be pushed out of your comfort zone and into a place of full creativity. By writing, and directing a piece YOU created you get to see a character through different lenses. Also, by acting out a piece that your classmate has written, it helps you understand more deeply about where the writer and director are coming from. Even if you just want to act this will help you better understand all sides of text and character same goes for writing and directing. I implore you to make this the year you stop waiting, take your power back, and bet on yourself! I can promise you, you won’t regret it.
Of course, it is a long way to go to get from page to screen. However, let this be a start to spark that creativity in writing/directing/acting- but more importantly, start to understand that YOU have the power to create your own work! Whether that call comes in or not. When writing my screenplay, Fresh Kills, the years of acting and studying characters really helped me develop the story. While directing, the years of being an actor helped me understand what actors needed to be able to guide them better and get what I needed.
Here’s how it will work-
Class 1-
We will go over what makes a good scene/monologue.
We will talk about specifics on YOUR idea for a scene/monologue.
You will start writing your piece.
We will share what we wrote.
I’ll then assign everyone someone to write for.
During this week before our next class you will be responsible to finish a draft of your scene/monologue and send to your assigned “actor”
Class 2-
You will come prepared to “act” the scene/monologue given to you by your classmate.
You will also be ready to direct your classmate in the piece you wrote as well.
I will give notes/ we will discuss.
You will again work on your written piece during the week and send to your “actor” before the next class.
Class 3-
Same as class 2.
Everyone will be writing, directing and acting.
This will be a fun way to see a character, text, and a scene through ALL directions.
PLEASE NOTE: this is NOT a previously written scene you’ve written. A new fresh piece will be written In class. No Solicitating of scripts or writing.
Ages- 18+
Spots are limited. You will be notified if accepted.
10% off for Returning Students
No refunds or Make up classes